Wednesday, September 18, 2024


My fellow Stibbonites,

The second installment to the “Adventures of Alexa” trilogy is here! "Scandal of the Forbidden Picture" is now available on all Amazon stores, in Paperback and Kindle.

Sure; you can try and hide it amongst all the other fantasy crap in your Kindle list and, when your girlfriend asks about it, blurt out an “I have no idea how that got there” a little too quickly to be convincing… ooor you can get the paperback edition, hide it under a loose floorboard next to that special sock of yours and, once you’re gone, prove to those ungrateful grandchildren, when they accidentally discover it, what a fucking legend their pop-pop truly was.

I’m just sayin’… think of your legacy, man! And remember: fap responsibly.


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PS: For those few, happy few, Stibbonites that have been with me since the beginning, I’ll let you in on a little secret. “Scandal of the Forbidden Picture” is the new incarnation of “Bordello Royale”, originally published in 2017, on Smashwords. Of course, this new edition has been completely rewritten, revamped, enlarged and thoroughly embellished with all sorts of new dirty bits. In short, the story’s been refurbished from the ground up. Only the core of the plot has remained the same.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



My fellow Stibbonites,

The first installment to the “Adventures of Alexa” trilogy is here! "Curse of the Horny Ruby" is now available on all Amazon stores, in Paperback and Kindle.
Whether you want to keep it a dirty little secret in your Kindle or proudly display a physical copy on your bookshelf to let all your guests know you’re a man of culture, now is the time to get it… and get it good.

And always remember: fap responsibly.


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Thursday, May 30, 2024


My fellow Stibbonites,

You thought I was dead, didn’t you? Come on, admit it. Oh, ye of little faith! Have you forgotten the prophecy?

“That is not dead which can arouse the mind, and with strange books every cock may rise”.

Wait, wait, wait. I’m not trying to get you to join a cult or anything. All I’m saying is that I’m back, baby. The Stibbons is back! Woo-fucking-hoo!

Rebranded, revamped, rewritten, the “Adventures of Alexa” franchise of porn with words is finally back!

What started back in 2016 as a breezy stroll through erotica, a fun little experiment if you will, turned out to be a grueling, soul-crushing eight-year ordeal of morbid literary obsession. Yet, finally, in 2024 it stands complete.

All three books of the “Adventures of Alexa” trilogy have been written and now it’s only a matter of editing them before unleashing them upon an unsuspecting world, in paperback and various e-book formats.

Friday, May 17, 2024


My fellow Stibbonites,

Welcome to tonight’s episode of “Casting Throne”, where we get to meet one of the female characters starring in the “Adventures of Alexa” trilogy.

    Alexa is the first-born daughter of baron Alfred Van Remen of the Northlands. Noble by blood, snob by choice.
Turning her back to a cushioned life of aristocratic luxury, she ran away from her ancestral fief to seek adventure, fortune and glory in the big city.

    Instead, all she found in Akkadia was a stinking metropolis full of perverts ogling her ass at every turn. But going back is out of the question for her. She’s too proud for that. Besides, she’d rather die than give her dad the satisfaction of admitting that he knew best about her future.

    Alexa hates being told what to do. And, at the same time, she loves it. Pathologically so. Of course, she’s reluctant to accept it. She considers herself a strong and independent knight-maiden of the North and can’t figure out why all her exes were shallow, abusive assholes who were only interested in using her like a jerk sock before dumping her.

    She is well aware that her half-brother and squire, Adalwin, has a huge crush on her. Sure, it would have been creepy if they weren’t nobles to begin with. You see, incest in the Twelve Dominions always has been one of the privileges of the aristocracy. As it stands, Alexa is comforted, if not outright flattered, by her squire’s interest; but gods forbid she ever lets him know that!

    To find out more about how Alexa comes to terms with all her repressed self-loathing and latent daddy issues by embracing the dark pleasures of degrading sex, start reading “Curse of the Horny Ruby” today!


My fellow Stibbonites,

Welcome to tonight’s episode of “Casting Throne”, where we get to meet one of the male characters starring in the “Adventures of Alexa” trilogy.

    Marlon is a master thief. Marlon is one with the shadows. Marlon moves unseen and unheard like a needle falling on a haystack. Marlon is stealth incar—

    Actually, Marlon is an Ogre. Which means he’s a seven-foot titan of gray muscle who makes the ground shake even when he’s tiptoeing. Nevertheless, due to some extraordinarily misguided career choice early on in his life, he is the only Ogre in the Twelve Dominions delusional enough to declare himself a rogue. And a master one at that.

    After his application to the Thieves’ Guild of Akkadia got rejected for the fourteenth time, Marlon decided to go into business for himself. As was to be expected, that turned out to be a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

    Speaking of fucks, when Marlon is not flexing his “shadow arts” (as he likes to call his clumsy attempts at stealth or pickpocketing) there’s only one thing he loves more: fucking girls in the ass. It’s his hobby, really. And we all know how important hobbies are to maintaining one's mental wellbeing.

    Now, this would have been all well and good for Marlon if said girls were not mortified upon seeing his monstrous fourteen-inch cock. Poor Marlon has heard more resounding “No’s!” than any man should ever have to cirlce around before getting some back-door action. Even the specialized prostitutes of Akkadia charge him double for it.

    To learn more about how Marlon joined Alexa’s motley gang of adventurers after they saved him from the clutches of the notorious underworld boss One-Right-Nut Larry, start reading “Curseof the Horny Ruby” today!