Friday, May 17, 2024


My Fellow Stibbonites,

Welcome to tonight’s episode of “Casting Throne”, where we get to meet one of the female characters starring in the “Adventures of Alexa” trilogy.

    Valla of Lyonnais is a paladin with a shitload of pompous titles no one cares about. She serves the goddess Flaegia, one of the better-known deities of fire in the Twelve Dominions. She has spent all of her life in dutiful worship and arduous physical training to fine-tune her petite body into an earthly image of Flaegia’s perfection.

    Valla is the proud owner of a sky-galleon, an airship able to traverse the heavens riding upon astromagnetic currents. Nevertheless, she chooses to spend most of her time in a remote hermitage, up in mountains. The world of men disgusts her. After all, she has never found one capable of satisfying her… umm… spiritually, of course.

    True to her vows, there is nothing she wouldn’t do to serve her goddess. Nothing at all. If the cause is holy, and the mission gods-sent, then she will unquestioningly submit to the will of Flaegia. She will get down on her knees, lift up her sky-blue eyes (presumably in prayer) and take right on the face every challenge the darkness of the world has to throw at her.

    Ok, that sounded weird… Look, all I’m saying is that she doesn’t do it because she likes it. She does it because it needs to be done, like a good paladin.

    To learn more about how Valla of Lyonnais ended up joining Alexa and her motley gang of adventurers, start reading “Curse of the Horny Ruby” today! As Valla would say: “Do it… if you must”.

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